Sixaxispairtool is one of the only tools on Windows that allows you to set the bluetooth address of the Sony Dualshock 3 and Sixaxis controllers. However, the driver is a problem. Let’s fix this.
Continue readingSixaxispairtool is one of the only tools on Windows that allows you to set the bluetooth address of the Sony Dualshock 3 and Sixaxis controllers. However, the driver is a problem. Let’s fix this.
Continue readingIn my previous post I have detailed the launch of Playstation Now on pc. That was 3.14 and apparantly Sony has fixed quite some bugs without providing a changelog. Continue reading
Since the end of August 2016, Playstation Now is available in my country on PC. I was waiting for this for quite some time as I’ve seen the developments with Netflix and other video streaming platforms. Gaming in the cloud is the next step and being able to stream games that are not on my harddrive without a price per item (such as video on demand movies) sounded nice. Continue reading
OMSI is a bus simulator for Windows, I picked it up recently and it’s very fun. Unfortunately I have a steering wheel (Logitech Formula GP without Force) but am not allways able to mount that. Luckily I have a PS3 controller (Dualshock Sixaxis). So I decided to look if it was possible to map it. Continue reading